Dr Bethan Garrett
Lecturer in the Morecambe Bay CurriculumResearch Overview
Beth's role as a lecturer includes both an academic position in the Department of Educational Research and a member of the team exploring the development, implementation and impact of the Morecambe Bay Curriculum. Her research interests are currently focused on coastal education and beach schools, specifically investigating how these alternative approaches to teaching and learning could subvert social, educational, economic and health disparities. Her work connects with place-based learning, community education and sustainable development. She also retains an interest in psycho-social theories of motivation and how engagement develops through personal, socio-cultural and contextual processes.
A key part of Beth’s role in the department involves exploring and developing research around the Morecambe Bay Curriculum. Her expertise in this field comes from being the co-convenor of the North-West Beach School Network, which holds termly events across the Sefton, Fylde and Morecambe coastlines with educational and health practitioners. Through this she developed interests in the impact of coastal education, particularly on pupils who may struggle with traditional schooling. She is also interested in how outdoor learning can aid the development of pro-ecological behaviours and change attitudes towards protecting nature. The sessions which are run by the network involve supporting practitioners through collaborative sharing of research and the delivery of practical sessions.
Before joining Lancaster University, Beth was programme leader for an undergraduate Education Studies programme. In this, she led on the psychology of education strand, where she has expertise in motivational theories, as well as leading on research methods, dissertation supervision and playing a significant role in supporting all students. She remains very passionate about ensuring students from all backgrounds can succeed in Higher Education. Beth moved into university from teaching and has previously led modules on primary QTS programmes, focusing on mathematics, music and reflective practice.
PhD Supervision Interests
I am keen to supervise students who are focused on any aspect of environmental or sustainable education. This extends to place-based learning and outdoor education, as well as how to develop novel approaches to the embedding of environmental issues in curriculum design. I am also interested in motivation, particularly from educators in relation to challenging areas of their practice, and how school culture can impact upon individuals' experiences and perceptions.
13/02/2024 → 31/07/2024
15/09/2023 → 30/04/2024
Invited talk
Participation in conference - Academic
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Participation in conference - Academic
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
- Centre for Social Justice and Wellbeing in Education