Professor Bulent Diken
Emeritus ProfessorResearch Interests
I did my first degree in urban planning in Denmark (The Aarhus School of Architecture). From 1994 to 1997 I worked on my PhD thesis with the title "Strangers, Ambivalence and Social Theory", followed by another research project focused on the sociology of mobility. During 1998-1999 I held an assistant professorship at Roskilde University, Department of Geography.
I came to Lancaster in September 1999.
My present research has the title: "Despotism, Economy and Voluntary Servitude”. In general I work on social theory, urbanism, political philosophy, cinema, terror and migration.
Currently I am teaching two undergraduate courses, "Terror" and "Sociology Goes to Hollywood" as well as a MA course, "Social and Cultural Theory". I am interested in supervising PhD projects related to critical theory, new social theories, social and political philosophy, cinema, mobility, urban issues, and post-structuralism.
PhD Supervision Interests
I am willing to supervise PhD projects on social and political theory, the city, the sociology of art (especially cinema), and security and terror. In the past I have supervised to completion 11 PhD projects on urban sociology, the sociology of sense, globalization, ethics and morality, migration, cinema and critical sociology. Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss possible topic and themes for PhD projects.
21/09/2012 → 22/09/2012