Professor Bulent Diken

Emeritus Professor

Research Interests

I did my first degree in urban planning in Denmark (The Aarhus School of Architecture). From 1994 to 1997 I worked on my PhD thesis with the title "Strangers, Ambivalence and Social Theory", followed by another research project focused on the sociology of mobility. During 1998-1999 I held an assistant professorship at Roskilde University, Department of Geography.

I came to Lancaster in September 1999.

My present research has the title: "Despotism, Economy and Voluntary Servitude”. In general I work on social theory, urbanism, political philosophy, cinema, terror and migration.

Currently I am teaching two undergraduate courses, "Terror" and "Sociology Goes to Hollywood" as well as a MA course, "Social and Cultural Theory". I am interested in supervising PhD projects related to critical theory, new social theories, social and political philosophy, cinema, mobility, urban issues, and post-structuralism.

21/09/2012 → 22/09/2012