Professor Christopher Harris
Senior Teaching Associate in Spanish StudiesCareer Details
Chris Harris took on the roles of Convenor of Final-Year Spanish Language and tutor for guided writing and translation into Spanish in January 2019, having already started supervision of a Lancaster MA on an Hispanic topic in 2018. He is a specialist in twentieth and twenty-first century Mexican Studies, an Honorary Professor in Hispanic Studies at the University of Warwick (2018-present), an Assistant Editor at the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (LUP), and an exprienced academic leader whose recent contributions include serving as Conference Secretary for the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (2012-2017), as Head of Department for Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Liverpool (2012-2016) and as Head of School for Histories, Languages and Cultures at the University of Hull (2016-2018). He is a trained and dedicated Athena SWAN assessor for post-2015 awards in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
Research Overview
Chris has primary research interests in Mexican cultural politics, literary masculinities, gender theory, critical theory and ethical criticism. He has published on Mexican authors such as Azuela, Rulfo, Castellanos, Mastretta, Gonz¨¢lez de Alba and Poniatowska, on the cultural politics of the Mexican Revolution and the 1968 Tlatelolco Massacre, and has used interpretative frameworks that range from R.W. Connell's sociological theorisation of masculinities to Raymond Williams' structures of feeling, Edward Said's contrapuntal reading and Heidegger's comenatries on the fore-structures of understanding in Being and Time.
Current Research
Chris is currently leading on the project: Border Masculinities: Cross-Disciplinary Dialogues and New Directions. This will be an edited book with Dr Amit Thakkar and Dr Brian Baker, both colleagues at Lancaster. With multiple types of border as a thematic anchor, the project brings together scholars whose research collectively encompasses new work on topics as diverse as: men and rock-climbing in the Yosemite Valley; gay men in Chinese popular televsion; and dictators in Francophone African Literature. The project also examines new research directions in the field of critical studies of men and masculnities.
Current Teaching
SPAN301 Guided Writing in Spanish
SPAN301 Translation into Spanish
MA Supervision in Hispanic Studies
My Role
Convenor of Final-Year Spanish Language
- BA (Hons) French and Spanish, University of Bristol
- PhD in Mexican Studies, University of Bristol
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
- Level 7 Certificate, Institute of Leadership and Management, University of Liverpool