Dr Gavin Hyman

Senior Lecturer



M.A. (Exon.), Ph.D. (Cantab.)

Personal and Career details

Gavin Hyman is a specialist in continental philosophy and religious thought, and has written widely in this area. More recently, he has written on socialist thought in Britain and on the history of the Labour Party. His publications include The Predicament of Postmodern Theology (2001), New Directions in Philosophical Theology (ed., 2004), A Short History of Atheism (2010), Traversing the Middle: Ethics, Poiltics, Religion (2013), Confronting Secularism in Europe and India (ed. with Brian Black and Graham M. Smith, 2014), Agnosticism: Explorations in Philosophy and Religious Thought (ed. with Francis Fallon, 2020) and Keeping the Red Flag Flying: The Labour Party in Opposition since 1922 (with Mark Garnett and Richard Johnson, 2024).

Within the Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion, he has served variously as Deputy Head of Department, Director of Human Resources, Co-Director of Postgraduate Teaching, Student Experience Tutor and Admissions Tutor. Beyond the department, he has served as Senior Tutor of Cartmel College and Vice-Principal of The County College. From 2011-18, he was the University Public Orator. He was born in 1974 and has taught at Lancaster since 1999.

01/04/2012 → ¡­

01/03/2007 → ¡­

  • Continental Philosophy and Critical Theory