Dr Laura O'Donovan

Visiting Researcher

Research Overview

Laura is an academic lawyer who does research in healthcare law and bioethics. She has a particular interest in the following areas: (i) the regulation of reproduction (novel assisted reproductive technologies, pregnancy, and the family); (ii) organ donation (systems of opt-out donation and organ and tissue exclusions); and (iii) health inequalities with a particular focus on the gender health gap.

She received her PhD, which explored the legal and ethical challenges posed by uterus transplantation, from the University of Manchester in 2021. While undertaking her doctoral research, Laura also completed a placement at the Cabinet Office where she worked as a Policy Advisor in the Open Innovation Team.

Laura currently works as a Research Associate on the Wellcome funded project, ''.

Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Participation in conference -Mixed Audience


Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

  • Future of Human Reproduction