Dr Lena Podoletz
LecturerResearch Overview
Lena's research interests lie in criminology and in Science and Technology Studies (STS) with a particular interest in how crime and technology intersect. Currently her research focusses on how AI and ML-based technologies may be used to offend and to enhance security. Among the topics she has researched are automated affect recognition, smart home technologies and policing, extended reality in police training, automated social security, and algorithmic bias and transparency.
Research Interests
Lena's research interests lie in criminology and in Science and Technology Studies (STS) with a particular interest in how crime and technology intersect. Currently her research focusses on how AI and ML-based technologies may be used to offend and to enhance security. Among the topics she has researched are automated affect recognition, smart home technologies and policing, extended reality in police training, automated social security, and algorithmic bias and transparency.
In relation to automated affect recognition the problems and threats associated with using technologies that claim to detect people's emotions or intentions in crime prevention and policing.
As part of the research project funded by UKRI-JST Joint Call on Artificial Intelligence and Society she co-authored papers on the use of and evidence procedures, and on the potential role of artificial agents in online radicalisation.
In an EPSRC-funded project she explored the .
While working on the project she worked with Dr Morgan Currie at the University of Edinburgh on investigating the lived experiences of Universal Credit recipients through a . The research focussed on the automated and digital aspects of social security and identified various issues, including the , and imposed on recipients. The Guardian from the project related to errors by the automated system.
She also worked on the EU Horizon 2020 Twinning Project where she conducted research on algorithmic bias and transparency.
Current Teaching
Dr Podoletz currently teaches on the following modules:
- Cybercrime and cybercriminality
- Criminological thought
- Criminological research in practice
- Crime and criminal justice in the 21st century
- Financial Crime
My Role
Dr Podoletz is currently the Pathway Representative in the Law School for AHRC NWCDTP Law Pathway and for ESRC NWSSDTP Socio-Legal Studies Pathway.
Career Details
Before coming to Lancaster Lena worked as a Research Fellow in Automated Universal Credit at STIS (Science, Technology and Innovation Studies) at the University of Edinburgh. Prior to this she was a Research Fellow in Emotional AI and Smart Cities at the School of Law, University of Edinburgh and a Research Assistant at the School of Informatics also at the University of Edinburgh.
PhD Supervision Interests
I am interested in receiving proposals from potential PhD students in the field of crime, technology and security.