Professor Michael Mullett
Emeritus ProfessorResearch Overview
Although I am now officially retired, I will be pleased to receive serious enquiries in my particular fields of research:
- Reformation studies;
- Catholic and Nonconformist history; and
- Early modern north-west regional history.
Research Interests
2012 ˇ®The End Crowns the Work’: George Leo Haydock, 1774-1849. Wigan: North West Catholic History Society. 69 p. 9780955846465 [Book]
2011 John Calvin. London and New York: Routledge and Taylor & Francis. xiv + 285 p. 978045476980 [Book]
2011 ˇ® “Composed Entirely of the Poorest Class”: the Establishment of the Parish of St Catherine, Penrith, Cumbria, 1833-1850’. In: ˇ®Obstinate Souls’: Essays Presented to J.A.Hilton on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday. John Davies and Alan Mitchison (eds). Wigan: North-West Catholic History Society. p.29-47, 19 p. 9780955846458 [Chapter in book]
12/2011 ˇ®Bucer, Melanchthon and Zwingli’. In: History Review, No 71. p.7-11, 5 p. [Journal article]
2010 Historical Dictionary of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation. Lanham, MD., Toronto, Ont., Plymouth, UK: Scarecrow Press. xxxviii + 555 p. 9780810858152 [Book]
2010 The A to Z of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation. Lanham, MD., Toronto, Ont,. Plymouth, UK: Scarecrow Press. xlii + 555 p. 9780810876040 [Book]
2009 ˇ®An English Catholic Traveller: Sir John Courtenay Throckmorton and the Continent, 1792-1793’. In: Catholic Gentry in English Society. The Throckmortons of Coughton from Reformation to Emancipation. Peter Marshall and Geoffrey Scott (eds.). Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing. p.231-245, 15 p. 0754664325 [Chapter in book]
2009 ˇ® “So They Become Contemptible”: Clergy and Laity in a Mission Territory’. In: Catholic Communities in Protestant States. Britain and the Netherlands, c.1570-1720. Bob Moore, Henk van Nierop, Benjamin Kaplan, and Judith Pollmann (eds.). Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press. p.33-47, 15 p. 9780719079061 [Chapter in book]
03/2008 ˇ®John Calvin and the “City of God” ’. In: History Review, No.60. p.5-11, 6 p. [Journal article]
2007 ˇ® “’. In: Journal of Historical Sociology. Vol.20 (3). p.328-340, 13 p.[Journal article]
2006 English Catholicism, 1680-1830. London: Pickering and Chatto. 6 vols, xxxiii + 2647 p. 1851968245 [Edited texts]
2005 ˇ®’. In: Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800. Linda Pavlovski (ed.). London & New York: Thomson Gale, p. 221-233,13 p. 9780787689117 [Chapter in book]
2004 Martin Luther. London and New York: Routledge. xv + 284 p. 0415261678 [Book]
2004 ˇ®The Urban Reformation in North-West England’. In: North West Catholic History, Vol.31. p.5-20, 16 p [Journal article]
2003 With Dr John Callow. 'The Shireburnes of Stonyhurst: Memory and Survival in a Lancashire Catholic Recusant Family'. In: Shakespeare and Lancaster: Region, Religion and Patronage. Richard Dutton (ed.). Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press. p.169-185, 17 p. 0719063698 [Chapter in book]
2002 ˇ®The Reformation in the Parish of Whalley’. In: The Lancashire Witches: Histories and Stories. Robert Poole (ed.). Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press. p.88-104, 17 p. 0719062039 [Chapter in book]
2002 ˇ®Catholic and Quaker Attitudes to Work, Rest and Play in 17th and 18th Century England’. In: The Use and Abuse of Time in Christian History. R.W.Swanson ed.). Woodridge, Suffolk and Rochester, NY: Boydell Press. p.185-209, 25 p. 0952973375 [Chapter in book]
2001 ˇ®Reformation and Renewal, 1450-1690’ In: A History of Lancaster. Andrew White (ed.) New edition. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. p.73-116, 44 p. 0748614664 [Chapter in book]
2001 'The Catholic Reformation and the Arts'. In: Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800. Tom Schornberg (ed.). Thompsonville, MI: Thomson Gale. 221-233, 13 p. 9781414421513 [Chapter in book]
12/2000 ˇ®Counter-Reformation and Catholic Reformation Re-visited’. In: History Review, No.38. p.21-25, 5 [Journal article]
1999 The Catholic Reformation. London and New York: Routledge. xi + 258 p. 0415189152 [Book]
1999 With Stuart Mews. ˇ®Catholicism and the Church of England in a Northern Library: Henry Halsted and the Burnley Grammar School Library’. In: Life and Thought in the Northern Church, c.1100-c.1700. Diana Wood (ed.) Woodbridge: Boydell Press. p.533-547, 15 p. 0952973324 [Chapter in book]
12/1999 ˇ®The Education of Ignatius Loyola’. In: History Review, No.35. p.8-13, 6 p [Journal article]
1999 ˇ®John Lingard in Context’. In: A Catholic of the Enlightenment: Essays on Lingard's Work and Times. J.A. Hilton (ed.) Wigan: North West Catholic History Society. p.2-9, 8 p. 095310205X [Chapter in book]
1998 Catholics in Britain and Ireland, 1558-1829. Basingstoke and New York: Macmillan and St Martin’s Press. xii + 236 p. 033359018X [Book]
1998 'Late Medieval Piety'. In: Lancaster University Centre for North West Regional Studies Bulletin, No.12. p.61-69, 9 p. [Journal article]
1997 'Recusants, Dissenters and North-Western Politics between the Restoration and the Glorious Revolution'. In: Government, Religion and Society in Northern England, 1000-1700. John C Appleby and Paul Dalton (eds.). Stroud: Sutton Publishing. p.199-209, 11 p. 0750910577 [Chapter in book]
1997 ˇ®A Catholic Looks at Quakerism’. In: Quaker Studies, Vol.2:1. p.57-64 , 8p [Journal article]
09/1997 ˇ®Zwingli and the Urban Reformation’. In: History Review, No.28. p.18-22, 5p. [Journal article]
1996 John Bunyan in Context, 1628-1688. Keele: Keele University Press. 320p. 19853311626 [Book]
1994 New Light on George Fox 1624-1691. Michael Mullett (ed.) York: Ebor Press. viii + 162p. 1850721424 [Edited book]
1994 ˇ®Introduction; George Fox and the Society of Friends’ In: New Light on George Fox 1624-1691. Michael Mullett (ed.) York: Ebor Press. p.1-10, 10 p. 1850721424 [Chapter in book]
1994 ˇ® “Englishness” and John Bunyan’. In: Social and Political Identities in Western History. Claus Bjorn, Alexander Grant and Keith J. Stringer (eds.) Copenhagen: Academic Press. p.118-127, 10 p. 8750031988 [Chapter in book]
1994 ˇ®Radical Sects and Dissenting Churches, 1660-1750’ In: A History of Religion in Britain: Practice and Belief form Pre-Roman Times to the Present. Oxford, and Cambridge MA, Blackwell. p.188-210, 23 p. 0631152814 [Chapter in book]
1994 James II and English Politics, 1678-1688. London: Routledge. xiv + 84 p. 0415090423 [Book]
1989 Calvin London: Methuen. 68 p. 0415000572 [Book]
1989 ˇ®Popular Culture and the Counter-Reformation’. In: History of European Ideas, Vol.11. p.1-7, 7 p. [Journal article]
1987 Popular Culture and Popular Protest in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Beckenham, Kent: Croom Helm. x + 176 p. 0709935668 [Book]
1987 ˇ® “ A Receptacle for Papists and an Assilum”: Catholicism and Disorder in Late-17th-century Wigan’. In: The Catholic Historical Review, Vol.73:3. p.391-407, 17 p. [Journal article]
1987 ˇ®Popular Culture and Popular Politics: Some Regional Case Studies’. In: Britain in the First Age of Party, 1684-1750. Clyve Jones (ed.). London, and Roncerverte, WV: Hambledon Press. p.129-150, 12 p. 0907628893 [Chapter in book]
1986 Luther. London: Methuen. 54 p. 0416003621 [Book]
1985 ˇ® “Men of Knowne Loyalty”: the Politics of the Lancashire Borough of Clitheroe, 1660-1689’. In: Northern History, Vol.21. p.108-136, 29 p. [Journal article]
1984 ˇ®From Sect to Denomination? Social Developments in 18th-century English Quakerism’. In: Journal of Religious History, Vol.13:2. p.168-191, 24 p. [Journal article]
1984 The Counter-Reformation and the Catholic Reformation in Early Modern Europe. London: Methuen. ix + 47 p. 0416360602 [Book]
1983 ˇ®Conflict, Politics and Elections in Lancaster, 1660-1688’. In: Northern History, Vol.19. p.61-86, 26 p. [Journal Article]
1980 Radical Religious Movements in Early Modern Europe. London: George Allen and Unwin, xxii + 193 p. 004901028X [Book]
1980 ˇ® “Deprived of Our Former Place”: the Internal Politics of Bedford, 1660-1688’. In: Publications of the Bedford Historical Society, vol 59. p.1-42, 42 p [Journal article]
1978 Early Lancaster Friends. Michael Mullett (ed.) Lancaster: University of Lancaster Centre for North-West Regional Studies. 56 p. 01901699497 [Edited book]
1978 ˇ® “The Assembly of God”: the Social Organisation of Lancashire Friends’. In Early Lancaster Friends. Michael Mullett (ed.) Lancaster: University of Lancaster Centre for North-West Regional Studies. p.7-21, 15 p. 01901699497 [Chapter in book]
1975ˇ® “To Dwell Together in Unity”; the Search for Agreement in Preston Politics, 1660-1690’ In: Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, Vol. 125. p.61-81, 21 p. [Journal Article]
1973 ˇ®The Politics of Liverpool, 1660-1688’. In: Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, Vol. 124. p.31-56, 26 p. [Journal Article]