The Health and Social Consequences of the 2001 Foot and Mouth Epidemic in North Cumbria
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‘It possessed your life’

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[R ] Sometimes it was eating and sleeping. I mean the trucks, the noise. . .
[K ] . . . Because I mean even if you’d think towards the night they would stop, but you could see them when you’re sort of lying in bed and you could see all the flashing lights and that. Because they said it was an escort going through. . .
[R ]. . . a police escort wasn’t it. . .
[K ]. . . and they said it was just machinery, but you kinda think…


I mean we have a friend of my husband’s who comes out here from Aspatria, but I mean during that time he just couldn’t come at all, because his daughter was out at her farm, she farms, so he didn’t come down at all. Every time he phoned you were expecting him to say they’d got it, they’d lost their animals. You couldn’t have a conversation without it coming up one way or another.

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