The Health and Social Consequences of the 2001 Foot and Mouth Epidemic in North Cumbria
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Hopes and fears for public inquiries

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The anxiety which respondents have expressed, in particular fears that another epidemic will strike, with equally devastating effects, indicates that there are health and social consequences of ‘Trust in Governance’. As the research went on, panel members also commented on hopes and fears for FMD public inquiries and future ‘regeneration’ policies.

I was about to sit down after a really bad week to write some comments for the lessons learned inquiry [Anderson Inquiry] and thought I should check the web site for an update. I found out to my considerable annoyance that the inquiry was coming to Cumbria to meet with DEFRA and hold the open meeting on Tuesday night, and if you wanted a ticket to attend, then you had to apply by a week ago. The overall impression is that the government do not want to learn lessons.
(Health and veterinary, diary, 2002,)

Driving around today I"ve been trying to listen to what the Euro inquiry people have been up to [. . .] I was talking to an old farmer in the afternoon and he wasn"t impressed either [. . .] what has been learnt, and what will be different next time because the one thing that must be prevented is the effects on people, nobody really got that.
(Health and veterinary , diary, 2002)

Cumbria FMD inquiry report out – nothing we didn"t suspect really, "confusion disorder and delay" were the local newspaper headlines. However, Cumbria County Council seemed determined to do their best to encourage the Government to take heed of the conclusions of the inquiry for the way ahead.
(Small business, diary,  2002)

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