Dr Elaine Taylor

Director of Student Support & Senior Lecturer in Medical Sciences

Research Overview

My research interests are in understanding how cells normally function to prevent, or reverse, deleterious genetic alterations and chromosomal abnormalities. Such loss of genome integrity can lead to a range of disorders including cancer and neurodegeneration. Ubiquitin and SUMO modification of specific proteins is recognised as an important element of the cellular response to genetic damage. A key focus of my research is to identify and characterise Ub/SUMO modification targets involved in genetic maintenance through a combination of biochemical and cell biological approaches. In doing so, we aim to uncover novel targets for future drug discovery.

Selected Publications

Holden, J., Taylor, E.M., Lindsay, H.D. 17/07/2017 In: PLoS ONE. 12, 7, 20 p.
Journal article

Guilliam, T.A., Brissett, N.C., Ehlinger, A., Keen, B.A., Kolesar, P., Taylor, E.M., Bailey, L., Lindsay, H.D., Chazin, W.J., Doherty, A.J. 23/05/2017 In: Nature Communications. 8, 14 p.
Journal article

Taylor, E.M., Lindsay, H.D. 01/2016 In: Future Oncology. 12, 2, p. 221-237. 17 p.
Journal article

Bianchi, J., Rudd, S.G., Jozwiakowski, S.K., Bailey, L.J., Soura, V., Taylor, E., Stevanovic, I., Green, A.J., Stracker, T.H., Lindsay, H., Doherty, A.J. 21/11/2013 In: Molecular Cell. 52, 4, p. 566-573. 8 p.
Journal article

Ju, L., Wing, J., Taylor, E., Brandt, R., Slijepcevic, P., Horsch, M., Rathkolb, B., Racz, I., Becker, L., Hans, W., Adler, T., Beckers, J., Rozman, J., Klingenspor, M., Wolf, E., Zimmer, A., Klopstock, T., Busch, D., Gailus-Durner, V., Fuchs, H., Hrabe de Angelis, M., van der Horst, G., Lehmann, A. 1/05/2013 In: DNA Repair. 12, 5, p. 356-366. 11 p.
Journal article

Taylor, E., Bonsu-Dartnall, N., Price, J., Lindsay, H. 20/06/2013 In: Nucleic Acids Research. 41, 16, p. 7725-7737. 13 p.
Journal article

Taylor, E.M., Cecillon, S.M., Bonis, A., Chapman, J.R., Povirk, L.F., Lindsay, H.D. 01/2010 In: Nucleic Acids Research. 38, 2, p. 441-454. 14 p.
Journal article

Taylor, E.M., Copsey, A., Hudson, J., Vidot, S., Lehmann, A. 15/02/2008 In: Molecular and Cellular Biology. 28, 4, p. 1197-1206. 10 p.
Journal article

Sergeant, J., Taylor, E., Palecek, J., Fousteri, M., Andrews, E., Sweeney, S., Shinagawa, H., Watts, F. 01/2005 In: Molecular and Cellular Biology. 25, 1, p. 172-184. 13 p.
Journal article

Andrews, E., Palecek, J., Sergeant, J., Taylor, E., Lehmann, A., Watts, F. 01/2005 In: Molecular and Cellular Biology. 25, 1, p. 185-196. 12 p.
Journal article

01/11/2020 → 30/09/2024

01/01/2020 → 31/12/2025

01/05/2019 → 31/07/2023

01/07/2018 → 30/09/2019

Participation in conference - Academic

  • Cancer Biology and Genome Stability
  • Experimental Medicine