Dr Michelle Collins

Research Fellow (PHIRST), Senior Research Associate

Research Overview

I am a qualitative researcher interested in using creative and participatory approaches to produce relevant and impactful knowledge. I am interested in understanding how peoples' lived experience can have more of an influence on health decision-making especially around trying to address the impacts of the social and structural determinants of health and to reduce health inequalities.

Since 2009 I have worked on a number of health-related projects within the Division of Health Research, with a focus upon health equity, the wider social determinants of health and community engagement and empowerment. I was part of the team that developed the Public Involvement Impact Assessment Framework (PiiAF) and continue to have a role in facilitating public involvement in research. I am currently a member of NIHR PHIRST LilaC.

01/04/2017 → 30/09/2022

Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition

Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition

Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition

Participation in workshop, seminar, course

Participation in workshop, seminar, course

  • Centre for Health Inequalities Research