Dr Ally Zhang

Lecturer in Finance

Research Overview

Ally is currently an Assistant Professor in Finance at Lancaster University Management School. She received her Ph.D. in financial economics with Summa Cum Laude from Swiss Finance Institute and University of Zürich. During her Ph.D, she was a visiting Doctoral scholar at LSE. Previously, she obtained her MPhil degree from University of New South Wales and Bachelor degree from Fudan University.

Ally’s research focuses on theoretical asset pricing, macro-finance, and financial intermediaries.

Her solo-authored papers have been accepted by top conferences such as SFS Cavalcade North America conference, AFA, AEA and European Econometrics winter meetings.

Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Oral presentation

Oral presentation

Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Invited talk

Oral presentation

Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Invited talk

Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Invited talk

  • Asset Pricing and Financial Econometrics
  • Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy