

The Health and Social Consequences of the 2001 Foot and Mouth Epidemic in North Cumbria
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Recruitment of the Panel

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diary extract

The six group profiles were forwarded to an independent professional recruiter. The groups were recruited in order, individual names being held by the recruiter and only released to the research team once the researchers were satisfied that the profile had been matched. This resulted in a panel of 54 respondents.

Once the panel was recruited we used a range of methods to capture data at individual and collective levels, introduced in order:

  1. Group discussions (taped & transcribed)
  2. Weekly project diary over 18 months containing structured and free-text sections
  3. In depth semi-structured interviews (taped & transcribed)
  4. Documentary material e.g. local agency reports, Cumbria Inquiry, Anderson Inquiry

Ethical approval was given by both East and West Cumbria Local Research Ethics Committees.

The study timeline gives an overview of the activities and collection of research data over the course of the project.

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