

The Health and Social Consequences of the 2001 Foot and Mouth Epidemic in North Cumbria
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Research Design


In designing the study we were influenced by the work of which produced a kind of ‘anthropology of selves’. In this work Harrisson, Jennings & Madge recruited a national panel of diarists from 1939-1965 writing about everyday life; this work now constitutes an invaluable resource.

Because of the sensitivity of the post FMD situation, it was felt that a style of research which could both generate knowledge of health and social impacts and inform policies to address the potential consequences of these impacts, was ethically appropriate. The ‘participants’ in this study therefore included the members of the project steering group representing a wide range of stakeholders, as well as those who directly contributed diaries. All had regular opportunities to guide the research process and later comment on the emerging themes and findings.



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