

The Health and Social Consequences of the 2001 Foot and Mouth Epidemic in North Cumbria
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Additional material

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diary extract

We set aside time for additional interviews with agencies or individuals. This material was collected first to fill any ‘gaps’ not covered by the panel profile, such as army and police personnel and secondly to respond to issues which arose during the course of the study. Examples include local government, police service, army, NGOs, local radio and voluntary sector agencies. Many of these interviews were also taped and transcribed and were later analysed for the themes identified from the panel data.

Useful comments and suggestions were made by both steering group and panel members throughout. In addition, our research was discussed with different stakeholders:

  • evidence to in the EU Temporary Committee on FMD;
  • evidence to Cumbria FMD Inquiry;
  • evidence to Carlisle City Council Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee reviewing action taken following the Cumbria FMD Inquiry;
  • interim study findings presented at the Voices of Experience conference;
  • seminars and meetings with research colleagues/ health practitioners about how our synthesis of the qualitative and quantitative material might apply in other public health contexts.

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